Live Yoga Classes!
Monday 9:30-11:00ish AM ET
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Share. Select a specific episode to share: 187: Mandala Flow 186: Viloma Pranayama 185: Turn, Turn, Turn 55min 184: No Mat Required ~20min. 183: Rest Stop Yoga 182: The Hourglass 181: Daily_For Focus and Energy 180: Daily-Joint Health 38min 179: Daily_Circulation/BackHealth 178: Supine Sequence 30minutes 177: Downward Dog, Lunges, and Push-ups 30minutes 176: Standing Balance 23minutes 175: If this isn't nice... 174: Get Awkward 173: Dream Pose 172: Destination 171: Let's Get Physical 170: How Does Your Garden Grow? 169: Humble Warrior 168: In a Rush to Slow Down? 167: Altered State 166: Dialing In 165: Split Second 164: The Body Mind Continuum 163: Taking Care with Backbends 162: Paper Crane (60min) 161: Cosmic Dance 160: Spilled Milk 159: Getting Through 158: Jump Start 157: Talking the Talk 156: Tis the Season... 155: Give Your Dog A Rest 154: Abundance 153: A Practice of... 152: Subject to Change 151: Back Again 150: Only Solutions 149: Mountains and Rivers 148: Changing Shape 147: Warriors and Sages 146: Workable Fixative 145: Blooming Onion 144: Under the Sun 143: Duality 142: Learning, Unlearning, Relearning 141: Triumphant Uprising 140: Getting Unstuck 139: Don't Miss This Moment 138: Practice Today, Sore Tomorrow 137: Keep Listening 136: Cultivate Receptivity 135: Inhale into Cat? 134: Pushing Through Awkward to Fierce 133: Looking at the Microcosm 132: Dig a Little Deeper 131: 60min Yoga for Knee Strength 130: Wonders Never Cease (Sincerely) 129: Flying Rock Dove 128: Play the Game, Revolved Crow 127: Make The Old, New Again 126: Truth, Beauty, and Impermanence in Practice 125: In Search of Satisfaction 124: Arrive Ad Infinitum 123: Perfect Porridge 122: Move, Notice, Breathe 121: Repeating Shapes and Delving Deep 120: Backbends From the Ground-Up 119: Revolve Your Triangle and Observe 118: Strengthen Your Core and Fly 117: Stoked on Backbends 116: Bird of Paradise, Levity and Light 115: Reside in the Present 114: Warrior Suite 113: Root to Rise for Winter Solstice 112: The Mind Body Interchange 111: Change Your State 110: Revolve and Reverberate 109: Engage, Reflect, Repeat 108: Inhale, Exhale and Repeat 107: Twist from Earth to Sky 106: Warm-up, Bend Back, Stand on Your Head 105: Let's Bend Back 104: Flip Your Dog in 60 Minutes 103: Crows Take Flight 102: A Bit of Everything 101: Push-ups are Back and More Reasons to Rejoice 100: Practice and Reflect 99: Strength From Your Center 98: Listen (to yourself) and Learn 97: Camel and Rabbit 96: Back with Backbends 95: Pose and Repose 94: Arrive and Revive 93: Moving Meditation 92: Show Up and Strap In 91: Floor to Ceiling Spinal Health 90: No Down Dog? 89: Clasp Your Hands 88: Continue to Arrive 87: Hear Your Body Talk 86: Change Shape 85: Ground in Breath and Body 84: Ground and Grow 83: Solo Scorpion 82: In Bloom 81: Splits For Life 80: Revolve and Take Flight 79: Contract and Expand 78: Spinal Potpourri 77: Spinal Potpourri 76: Moving From Within 75: Working from the Upper Body 74: Lower Body Backbends 73: Route to the Heart 72: Shoulder Stand and Much More 71: Breathe Into Each Pose 70: Pull on Your Stockings 69: Arrive in Your Body 68: Play While You Practice 67: Allow for Discovery 66: There and Backbends 65: Sundial it in 64: Unleash Your Asana 63: Ease Into Arm Balances 62: Revisit Revolved Triangle 61: Breathe New Energy 60: Revolve 59: Right Where You Are 58: Bird of Paradise Rides the Bus 57: Is This What a Mermaid Looks Like? 56: Pro Crow 55: Lotus in Headstand 54: Balancing Opposing Forces, and Hips 53: Finding Strength with Ease 52: Deep Relief 51: All Mixed Up into Lotus 50: From Bottom to Top 49: Up, Down, and Side-to-Side 48: Light Hearted Camel 47: Groundwork for astavakrasana 46: Stay Curious 45: Hips, Thighs, and Shoulders 44: Stand on Your Shoulders 43: Supple Spine 42: Accept, Appreciate, and Forearm Balance 41: Find More Space 40: Attention and Intention 39: Draw-in, Expand-out, and Split 38: Standing with Intention 37: Inside/Out Core, Shoulders, Hips 36: Spinal Rejuvenation 35: Attending to the Subtle Body 34: Grace, Surrender, and Headstands 33: Calm Intensity 32: Core Strength for Lower Back Health 31: Spine Align 30: Legs and Hips Mostly 29: Slowish Flowish Potpourri 28: 27: Bound Triangle and Peacock Feather 26: Bound Side Angle 25: Revisit, Reset, Relax 24: Strengthen for Bakasana 23: Arrive in Your Practice 22: Full Body Check-In 21: Tune In and Tune Up 20: Backdoor Lotus 19: Hips and Inner Thighs for November 18: 4th Installment Oct. Splits 17: 3rd Installment Oct. Splits 16: 15: 15 Installment 2, Oct Splits + Balance 14: 1st Installment, Oct. Splits 13: Stronger Standing Poses 12: Shoulders and Upper Back 11: Hips and Thighs 10: Intensify and Relax 9: Back to School 8: A Little Headstand 7: Flip Your Dog 6: Steady Cycles 5: Fast and Then Slow 4: The Splits 3: Bird of Paradise 2: Emphasis on Upper Back 1: Potpourri with Suggestions for Runners
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Listen. ⬇ E187: Mandala Flow
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Let me take you on a journey around your mat! This 44 minute practice will challenge you front to back and left to right. Enjoy!
Plays: 285 ⬇ E186: Viloma Pranayama
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This is a 22minute introduction to and practice of the Viloma breathing technique. There are many options for beginners and intermediate practitioners. Enjoy!
Plays: 49 ⬇ E185: Turn, Turn, Turn 55min
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This flow-y class clocks in just under 1 hour. The sequence builds quickly through standing, and revolved postures, and continues through seated poses, core work, and backbends. A well rounded practice you can turn to again and again! Enjoy ;)
Plays: 109 ⬇ E184: No Mat Required ~20min.
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I introduce this episode by saying it's going to be 15mins., but it's 22minutes total. Like "rest stop yoga" this class can be done anywhere! We'll start with a breath exercise and then proceed to a series of standing postures. Enjoy!
Plays: 147 ⬇ E183: Rest Stop Yoga
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This 16min. class is designed to be used at a rest stop, in an airport, or next to a desk. No mat required and you can even keep your shoes on. Enjoy
Plays: 113 ⬇ E182: The Hourglass
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Lunges, standing poses, belly-down back-bends, core work...these are the poses of our lives. This 55 minute class is a strong and steady offering from the dark days of December. 1 block and 1 blanket are recommended but not necessary. Enjoy!
Plays: 1541 Get all the episodes